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Cut-Off Times in Shoulder Season

Fact: A shorter cut-off time improves booking conversions.


As the winter and low seasons draw closer, many of our tour and activity providers are looking at ways to increase their sales in what is typically a slower time of the year for them. A luxury of the higher season is knowing that you will get a certain mix of tours consisting of online bookings and walk-ups, but when the walk-ups aren’t as frequent during shoulder season it is better to lean into online sales to make up for the shortfall in walk-in participants.

One simple and significant adjustment we have helped our customers with has been to decrease their cut-off time for booking on their tours and activities.

What is a cut-off time?

A cut-off time is the period of time before a tour can be booked and when it is due to start.

For example, if my tour is due to start at 5:00 pm and my cut-off time is 4 hours before then the latest someone who wants to go on the 5 pm tour can book is 1:00 pm on the day that the tour is to begin.

Many providers have a 24 and 48 hour cut-off period, reducing this can have a significant impact on increased sales, this is because customers can see increased availability closer to their intended time of travel.

Can a cut-off time be easily set on the TripAdmit platform?

TripAdmit enables you to set up individual seasons for your tours, and within each season the user can easily select a cut-off period for their tour or activity. This is applicable to tours with a starting time and those with all-day availability.

How can I decrease the cut-off times on my tours?

To make this change yourself to your own tours, check out step 7 on our Knowledge base article 'Setting up tour availability'.

Link: Setting up tour availability

The team at TripAdmit is always happy to engage with our valued customers, directly reach out to our Customer Success | Account Manager Valentina Tantari to set up a 1-1 video meeting: